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Grantee Partners

We support organizations and projects that work for safe, legal escape routes and solidarity cities and oppose the criminalization of (forced) migration. Our main-focus is on the Mediterranean region.

Civilfleet Support e.V.

Legal fees for El Hiblu 3

Screenshot from a video, black screen, text reads: "And some of us, we new it wasn't Europe we were going to"

In Malta, three teenagers (15, 16, and 19 years old) are accused of terrorism. They belonged to a group of refugees who fled from Libya in a rubber boat on the 26th of March 2019, and were rescued by the crew of the cargo ship El Hiblu 1. In consultation with the European military operation EUNAVFORMED, the crew was on the verge of returning the rescued people to Libya. The refugees objected against their forced return and convinced the crew of El Hiblu 1 to hear towards Malta. No one was injured during the protest, nor was there any material damage. Nevertheless, the three teenagers were arrested after their arrival in Malta, where they are currently charged with severe crimes including terrorism. The teenagers face prison sentences ranging from 7 years to life. Therefore, the Safe Passage Foundation covers the costs of defending the three teenagers in court to a total sum of 70,000€.

  • Malta
  • 70.000,00
  • For the duration of the trial
  • 9. January 2019